Today has been... interesting to say the least with trying to rig the Old Man. Too many times I thought that I had everything ready to go to just rig and move on but I don't know when it happened but the rig was (trying not to swear here) buggered. The join orientation was all wrong for the legs and feet, I didn't realise this until I had skinned him (ok so there were some minor hints, like the foot controller was a different shape to what it should have looked like, but anyway...) so I had to go in and manually re-orient the joints basing it off the Little Girls rig which was a pain but I eventually got it done.
I'm currently weight painting the at the moment, all is currently going well (knock on wood), but I stopped for a moment to post this. I found an AMAZING script/tool for helping with weight painting. It worked perfectly with the Little Girl and at the moment it's working for the Old Man. Basically I can simply mirror the weight paints across (sure Maya has some stuff in built but this just works).
It came in handy with the Little Girl as some of the weight paints I did just seemed impossible/ridiculously tedious to try and replicate to the other side. I contemplated doing it all in Photoshop but I had already spent SO MUCH DAMN TIME playing in Photoshop with exporting and importing, and custom painting weight maps that I could no longer think properly. I decided to look around on the internet and yeah, here we are, happy that things are progressing at the much nicer pace.
Anyway, with all that said, I feel like I am so damn close to having everything in a scene soon, like Sunday even. I doubt it will take longer but hey, if I'm not there by then I'm going to email Jack like crazy with advice... or just cry.