I talked to Jack on Thursday about my thumbnails, he said they were fine accept the ending. We talked and now I have something closer to my original idea but still fits in nicely now.
Neale liked everything.
Darren liked everything accept one frame which I will look into over the weekend.
Here's a more up to date version of my thumbnails.
(I hope to do a quick animatic with these thumbnails over the weekend also, with a temp music piece, just to see how things are flowing)
Page 01

Page 02 - These are the pictures that will go into the photo album. Note that I haven't thumbnailed every one of these just yet as I wanted to get the main thumbnails done first. The other thing that's missing is there should be more kids in the picture where the little girl is sitting on the bench, I haven't got around to it simply because I wanted to continue and couldn't be bothered drawing a bunch of kids poorly.

Page 03

Page 04

Page 05 - All that is missing from this is a way to properly finish it. Darren suggested that I have one final wide shot then fade to black, I will probably go with this.

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