Tuesday, 28 February 2012


A young girl and her grandfather, and how they are bought together due to their differences.

Looking through a photo album an old man looks through the life of his granddaughter. Though she has a physical deformity an accident the old man had years earlier makes him see her as though there is nothing wrong with her, she is beautiful to him.

Treatment/Basic shot list
A young man is on a boat.
There is an accident with a telescope which becomes lodged in his head.

A now old man wakes up in a rocking chair.
POV - He looks down to a photo album in his lap.
There is a girls name on the cover.
He opens it.

There are many photos of the little girl. The viewer can see she has a deformity with one of her eyes.
• Each of the photos move and are different parts of a little girls life.
o Birth
o First steps
o First day of school
o School pictures
o Trying on glasses

A car arrives at the house - seen through the window.

A little girl comes in the room with tears in her eyes and hugs the old man.

POV - He looks down at her and the looks fine. There isn’t an issue with her eyes.
He says “You’ll always look beautiful to me.”

The little girl hugs him again.

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